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'Project Sanity'

‘Project Sanity’ is a series of twelve creative self-portraits which demonstrates a surreal view on how people have spent their time during the Covid-19 pandemic. Each image within the series demonstrates a different activity which I have personally done during the lockdown to cope my mental health.


The Covid-19 pandemic as meant that people have had more time on their hands. People all of a sudden weren’t going into work, couldn’t go on holiday and couldn’t meet up with others, which has affected many people’s lives in a negative way. Since the start of the pandemic over 90,000 adults have developed symptoms of anxiety and depression. People have tried to help their mental issues by picking up new and old activates to try and distract themselves. My images demonstrate how I have personally dealt with my mental health during this hard time and how they have now become key parts of my day to day lives to try and help me stay in a positive mental state.


Throughout the imagery the use of the COVID mask is used to help demonstrate the concept of the images and place the images in the timeline of the pandemic. The mask has been used as a symbol of the pandemic through the media and advertisements, so the use of the props helps to bolster and the narrative. Each mask which is used is decided carefully to match the activity and the colour palette of the images. To demonstrate the activities that I’ve personally done since lockdown by using props which ill help identify what activity the images is showing.


Even though the covid-19 pandemic has been a big part of everyone’s lives, these images will serve as a visual reminder of how I spent my time during the time the world came to a halt.

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